
Adventure Happens Every Day

I'm Jackie

Traveling wedding photographer + photography/small biz educator.

Mesmerized by the way two people love each other, each so uniquely.  I always leave room for dessert. Believe swear words are just sentence embellishers. Think indulgences are necessary in this life. 

hey hey

Parties with all the best people in their lives.

TOp categories

Love stories in all forms without the white dress... or maybe they wore white, it happens.

Just my little thoughts on different topics of planning your wedding day big party or just you two.

Stories of two lovers making it all about them, as they should.

I’m home!  For now…. 😉

The last few weeks have been INSANE with travel. I’ll be sharing more of that in the days to come. There is so much I want to share. And I’m so excited to share it I haven’t been able to sit still long enough to even collect all of the photos!

I returned home to Montana after being away for the UNITED and WPPI conferences. After being home for just a day I took off to Canada. Not even getting a moment to let everything sink in. Just letting go. Driving without looking back. Singing as loud as possible. And letting dreams take flight. It was a real quick trip though.

With day light savings on Sunday I managed to get on the road late. Not a shocker, I always get on the road late. But this just made it even later. Note to self- Don’t try to cross international borders on a weekend day. Lines from hell I tell ya. Then a stop at IKEA in Seattle to fill my car with as much stuff as possible. Not even kidding…..

Ikea Trip

I filled my jeep. Not too bad for a trip to IKEA by myself 😉

Actually I made 2 lists for IKEA. A ‘NEED To Have‘ list and a ‘Would Love To Have‘ list. Went through and grabbed everything on my need list. Checked out. Brought my car around to loading. I had 2 carts full of huge items. Managed to get them packed into the car. And, then rechecked my want list to see if I had some room to squeeze stuff. I did. So I drove my car back to the parking lot to park. Parked. Hopped out of the car. Slammed the door. Took 2 steps.

I locked my keys in the car.

At 6:20pm. In Seattle. Almost 500 miles from home. While on a detour on my way home.

I sat there sitting on my bumper for 40 minutes waiting for someone to come unlock my car. Laughing. Thinking of what an adventure life is. Not mad, upset, irritated or even annoyed. Just giggling. Appreciating the “craziness.” How blessed am I to live life this way. That locking my keys in the car in the middle of a trip becomes a fun story.

I could have easily chose this to be a downer. But it really is whatever you make it. What power we have to decide how to live and how to see & react to things. You are amazing. You are worthy. This is YOUR life. Your adventure. Your journey. You decide how to live it. The only thing that matters, is that you really LIVE it.

Life is an adventure. And adventure….

Is what YOU make of it. 


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* Thank you to my dear friend, Jeremy Kester, for this awesome image of me. Taken during a random stop we made in the Mojave Desert on our roadtrip from Santa Barbara to Vegas.

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