
Best Friends

I'm Jackie

Traveling wedding photographer + photography/small biz educator.

Mesmerized by the way two people love each other, each so uniquely.  I always leave room for dessert. Believe swear words are just sentence embellishers. Think indulgences are necessary in this life. 

hey hey

Parties with all the best people in their lives.

TOp categories

Love stories in all forms without the white dress... or maybe they wore white, it happens.

Just my little thoughts on different topics of planning your wedding day big party or just you two.

Stories of two lovers making it all about them, as they should.

I have an incredible group of people in my life that I call my best friends. The days of having just one are OVER! I am so lucky to say that some of my best friends are also photographers. AMAZING photographers. And as spring starts to turn to summer my friends see less and less of me as I travel, photograph weddings, and summer sessions take over. Thank heavens they’re winter people and we sled and snowboard/ski alllllll winter together. Each weekend they head to the lake while I head out of town for the next wedding. I’m not complaining. I LOVE my job. I’m just lucky to have friends who will give me up to help others and then take me back in the fall as the wedding season slows down.

I’m so lucky that some incredible photographers are also in my circle of best friends. Though they may live far away and we don’t do lunch or coffee often. We still do lunch or coffee often. Just over skype as we work together. Each editing, answer emails, doing correspondence and more. We’re like office mates. And although there are only a few times a year we get to get together and be ridiculous they are still some of my best friends.

My summer season has come to an end. Just one wedding left for the year. In December in Canada, WOOP!  I ran off with my best friend Amanda this weekend. She is the best friend who is like a sister. I think she might understand me more than anyone. And I mean anyone. We’re both loud. And although she’s not that spontaneous or risk taking, with me she is. And with her I’m a little more vulnerable. We finally got to run around and play, after months of random lunches and coffee when we could squeeze them in. We got together on a SATURDAY!! It has been so long since I could do that. As we walked along a trail on a cloud-covered evening the sun began to peek through the clouds and the mountains down through the trees onto this log. I made her sit so I could photograph her.

She inspired this post of writing about best friends. Best friends inspire us. They encourage us. They push when we need a push. They hold our hands in a time of need. And life is simply better with them.

best friend

Best friends….

  • love you when you find it hard to love yourself
  • pick you up when you fall, as they’re laughing at you
  • act so crazy with you that people think you’re high
  • make you laugh louder
  • accept your extreme weirdness, and honestly, you accept theirs. maybe even embrace it.
  • carry on full conversations with you in weird voices, that you started.
  • know your favorite drink by heart. coffee and alcoholic beverage 😉
  • tell you first when something exciting happens. even at 3:43am.
  • jump without hesitating.
  • let you shine during a solo to a P!nk song on your roadtrip.
  • photograph your craziness and don’t post it to Facebook.
  • let you tuck your feet under their butt on the couch to warm them up.
  • and always check in on you.

They’re everything you need at any given moment.

To my friends, and that includes you. Life is so much better with you!







You didn’t think we’d only take nice beautiful did you? Actually I think this is beautiful. 🙂

best friends

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