
Mentoring Sessions for Photographers

I'm Jackie

Traveling wedding photographer + photography/small biz educator.

Mesmerized by the way two people love each other, each so uniquely.  I always leave room for dessert. Believe swear words are just sentence embellishers. Think indulgences are necessary in this life. 

hey hey

Parties with all the best people in their lives.

TOp categories

Love stories in all forms without the white dress... or maybe they wore white, it happens.

Just my little thoughts on different topics of planning your wedding day big party or just you two.

Stories of two lovers making it all about them, as they should.

Just about three and half years ago I started this journey of becoming a photographer. It was hard. It’s hard to be the “newbie.” Everyone looking down on you because you don’t have a $3000 camera. Or high end lenses. You don’t charge enough. You don’t do things their way. Honestly I’ve always done things my way, which wasn’t always the easy way. It was difficult. I did what I could to learn. Full on stalking other photographers blogs. Watching CreativeLive. Anything I could get my hands on. And practicing what seemed like constantly. Seriously I gave up living life to learn this craft. What I needed so badly was a mentor.

Someone I looked up to. Someone I admired. Someone who inspired me. There were those people out there for sure. And still are. Although at the time I felt that anyone who offered mentoring or the chance to sit and pick at their brain wasn’t offering it towards brand new photographers. I longed for someone who said “I want to help those photographers just starting out!” I’m sure it was there and I may have been looking in the wrong places. But I vowed then that if I made it through and was still going I’d look back and grab the hand of someone starting out and help them through. I’ve been there. I get you!  I’ll tell you there is no finish line. You don’t magically master everything. There is always more to learn, more to reach for. Even now I have mentors, and coaches and a community of photographers I turn to often for help. We’re ever evolving in this. But we’re definitely better if we do it together!

And now I’m offering monthly mentoring sessions!!!! SO PUMPED!

Mentoring sessions are 90 minutes. If you live local we can meet up. Or if you don’t live local we can have your 90 minute session over Skype or Google Hangout. We can discuss ANYTHING you want. Reaching your clients & sealing the “deal.” Using social media for your business. Biz organization. Balancing time. Session Preps. Paperwork. Workflow. Branding. Marketing. Whatever you’re in need of. Then we’ll make a list of goals for you to work towards or the next coming weeks!

The sessions are set up month to month, there is no long term commitment. If you want just one month, awesome. Maybe a 3 month deal, sweet. One here and there, whenever… I’m here for ya.

My own couples are my top priority so I’ll be limiting the sessions to 3 a month for October & November and then will determine from there if there is room for more.

Sessions will be $200 each. However for your very first session it’s only $150!

Email me – to book your session. I’m SO excited to connect more with you and help you succeed. I believe in you!





